Brackston sitting at his chair on the first day of kindergarten
My baby woke up this morning just rambling! LOL :-) The first thing out of his mouth was "I sleeped good all night Mom and now I am a Big Boy!" "I am going to Big Boy school today." "I am going to wear new clothes and I get to eat breakfast and tell my brother and sister how my day went!" As you can tell my baby's primary language is random. He was so excited today that he just couldn't stand it. I was pretty excited too. The morning went well, he got ready for school in a super fast record and was ready to walk out the door! He didn't want to wait for even the sun to rise. It was hysterical! I loved seeing his excitement. We walked to school today and he walked right up to his class but then, hid behind the wall to make his teacher look for him (always the little entertainer). When she peeked her head around looking for him, she said "Good Morning Brackston" and his face just lit up. He ran right to his seat and sat down ready to start the day. I stood there and took probably 20 pictures and kept saying "Ok, baby Mommy is going to leave now" (I know I said it at least 10 times). He looked so happy to be there, I just couldn't help but stay longer. Anyway, when I finally did leave I was about 15 steps from his classroom when the announcements came on and I wanted to see his reaction to his wonderfully animated principal's voice so, (yep you guessed it) I walked all the way back to his classroom to sneak a peek. They were reciting the pledge so, I stuck my camera around the corner and took another picture.

Brackston and his class reciting the pledge. (He is way in the back right!)
I know, I am a nut case!! I did finally leave and didn't cry not one bit. I was so proud!!! Go Mom!!!! The chaos came at the end of the day! I have signed him up for after school daycare (that picks him up from school) so on the days I work he will have somewhere to go. This is also the Pre-K that he went to so, he is familiar with them and they are familiar with him (too many changes are not good for him or for me.) I really wanted to pick him up for school on his first day but, I thought it was more important for him to get used to his routine so, I chose to go ahead and let him go to after school daycare. At 2:45 (when he got out of school) I looked at the clock and thought, oh my baby finished his first day..(sniff, sniff)! I hope everything goes smoothly with him getting on the daycare bus for the first time. Well at about 3:15, I get a phone call from my emergency contact (one of my best friends) that says "Oh, did the school get in touch with you?" I said "....Uh....no...why?" She said "Brackston didn't get on the bus today and he is still at school!" "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH...ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I freaked. I got off the phone with her and immediately called the school. After no one answered I called the daycare and they said "No, I think he got on the bus, the school did call us and confirmed that he was suppose to be on the bus. His bus has not gotten here yet but I believe he is on there." When I got off the phone with the daycare I finally got the message from the school on my phone (you gotta love technology...can't live with it, can't live without it) that said "Mrs. Washburn this is ..... at Miller Heights Elementary...we are calling in regards to Brackston's transportation after school. We were told that he was suppose to be on the bus for Belton Education Station but we do not have anything from you in writing (UHHH...WRONG!!). That bus has already been here and left so, we need someone to come get Brackston. Are you kidding me?? My 5 year old missed the bus and now has been sitting at the school since 2:45 (it is now 3:25!) and has no idea where his Mommy is on the first day of kindergarten!!!! I could scream!!! I tried the school again and still no answer. So, I prayed and paced and waited about 10 minutes and called the daycare again to see if his bus had gotten there and if he was on it. I about wet my pants with excitement when they picked up the phone and confirmed that my poor baby was there safe and sound. I can't believe it....I was crazy with knots in my stomach but, super glad that he was ok! After working in the school system and knowing what the end of the first day of school looks like for the poor staff at these schools, I felt for them. Can you imagine being responsible that all those little bodies get in the right lines, the right bus and the right cars. It amazing that they all get through it. Anyway, after picking him up and him describing his day to me, it sounded like it went well and he is ready for another day tomorrow. Hopefully with a little less excitement. When praying tonight, he prayed for his family as always naming us off one by one and then says "And dear Lord...I want to thank you for letting me go to Miller Heights today....and that's all I have to say..In Jesus name, amen." Is that the sweetest thing or what? How adorable, and what a blessing. He does a Momma proud!!!

Brackston age 5 First Day of Kindergarten at Miller Heights Elementary